The Kofax Communication Server, formerly TOPCALL Communication Server, coordinates and performs the automated exchange of information by integrating inbound and outbound communication channels. It links virtually any device such as MFPs and phone systems, media types like email, fax, SMS, MMS, voicemail and telex, and applications such as SAP, IBM WebSphere MQ and Kofax document capture products. Organisations can exchange information in the formats most appropriate for their customers and partners, enable intelligent routing and trace information for compliance purposes.

Now you can:

  • Reduce the cost and effort of maintaining device-specific channels by exchanging information through a consolidated business communication system
  • Improve the speed, accuracy and reliability of information exchange by minimising the need for manual intervention
  • Track all relevant communication events according to compliance regulations
  • Scale the number and variety of communication channels as your business needs grow


Our business communication software and server integrate automated communication capabilities with all your business processes, regardless of location, device or media type.