Lupfig, May 20, 2020 – Green Datacenter, and ti&m today announced that the two companies are collaborating to deliver on the promise of hybrid and multi-cloud computing based on Google Cloud’s Anthos. Each company brings a key component to the modernization journey on which today’s enterprises are embarking.

Anthos is Google Cloud’s hybrid and multi-cloud application platform, allowing customers to modernize their existing legacy application stack powered by open standards including Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative. With Anthos, developers build modern experiences that can be deployed consistently across on-prem and public cloud environments, giving customers one uniform control plane where they can develop, deploy and manage their applications.

“Companies rarely take a big bang approach to cloud migration,” says Roger Sueess, CEO of cloud provider Green Datacenter. “Effective approaches start by examining which business processes stand to gain the most by modernizing.”

Thomas Wüst, CEO ti&m, agrees. “To realize the agility and productivity gains promised by cloud-native approaches, a careful orchestration is required: we help customers create new, lightweight functionality that operates seamlessly with their existing systems. We strike an optimal balance between which applications remain on-prem versus which get re-architected for the cloud.”

For many companies embarking on their cloud journey, what has been missing is an offering that ties together all pieces: private cloud, a Switzerland-based hyperscale environment, and the critical application consultancy and modernization services of a trusted partner. From the beginning, the promise of the cloud has always been to allow companies to focus on their core business and differentiation. Today’s announcement by Green and ti&m aims to deliver on this promise by giving Swiss companies a one-stop-shop for modernization.

A hybrid demo environment is available for companies to learn more about this new offering.

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