"We are delighted to partner again with Fleming Gulf and present the third annual RealTech Middle East," said Jim Young, Co-Founder and CEO of Realcomm. "Building on last year’s success and attendees’ feedback, this year’s conference will present topics that are relevant in today’s economy and the evolving process of real estate and technology’s growing integrated relationship."

This year’s conference theme is REboot.10 – Turning Challenges into Opportunities. The two-day event will focus on helping businesses survive today’s challenges and thrive in today’s challenging business climate.

"Combining the resources of Fleming Gulf and Realcomm to produce RealTech Middle East 2009 provides a comprehensive, relevant and cutting-edge event that will bring global best practices to the real estate IT community," said Martin Valovsky, General Manager of Fleming Gulf.

Realcomm Conference Group, LLC, is a global leader in providing education, information and networking opportunities to the Real Estate information technology and business communities. Fleming Gulf is an internationally recognized conference group that has offices in Europe, North America, and the Middle East.

For more information or to register, go to www.realtechme.com.