One of the key challenges for the fund industry is automation, especially in cross-border distribution.
In 2001, the fund industry asked SWIFT for a solution to increase automation to reduce paper processing and risks involved. SWIFT applied a two-phase approach:
Phase 1: delivery of a tactical solution based on MT (ISO 15022 fund templates) to cover the most urgent needs in 2001.

Phase 2: delivery of a strategic solution based on MX (ISO 20022 fund messages) to fully comply with the industry’s requirements in 2004.

Both solutions are actively used and still growing. In 2009, over 27 million messages were sent.
Today, it is time to start the migration project to MX as the MT templates will be phased out in 2012. Now MT-MX translation rules are published by SWIFT and available as libraries in the Steform product.
Etienne Savatier, associate director of Sterci, said: “Sterci is a pioneer in MT-MX migration both for payments and securities. In securities, we were involved since the initial launch of SWIFTNet Funds in 2004 with early adopters in Luxembourg. In payments, Sterci technology has been used by leading transaction banks for the SEPA launch in 2008. Today, Steform is the best proven solution for MT-MX migration and interoperability.”