MoadBus develops scalable and easily manageable mobile banking and NFC-based mobile payment solutions among their portfolio of products. The various mobile solutions from MoadBus seamlessly integrate with different software platforms, protocols, databases and devices and are compatible with any generation mobile phone.

In order to enhance the security of these solutions, VASCO DIGIPASS® strong authentication and digital signature will be integrated into MoadBus’s MBanking and Mobile-Cash applications.

This partnership is based on the flexibility of VASCO’s DIGIPASS API offering that allows solution providers to transparently embed strong authentication and e-signature functionalities into mobile banking applications while maintaining existing backend infrastructure.

Joint banking customers will be offered a user-friendly security solution to protect them from password theft, unauthorised account access and man-in-the-middle attacks. The end user’s mobile phone will become their authentication device for all their mobile banking and mobile cash transactions.

Existing MoadBus customers will be offered the possibility to add DIGIPASS authentication and digital signature to their applications, while current VASCO customers will be able to further build upon their investments when adding mobile banking capabilities to their service offering. Both partners are already in the process of deploying a first pilot.

Amarnath Nanduri, COO at MoadBus, said: VASCO’s leadership in strong authentication, especially in the financial sector, makes them the best partner we can team up with to secure mobile banking solutions for our customers.

MoadBus has developed a solid reputation in the delivery of m-banking and m-cash solutions, especially in the US and Asia. We are convinced that by teaming up with them, we can grow the market for secure mobile banking, said Jan Valcke, president and COO at VASCO Data Security.