Zurich North America Commercial has enhanced and expanded its product, Zurich Security and Privacy Protection Policy (ZSPP), to help businesses manage the financial and reputational risks of cyberspace.

Zurich’s ZSPP is designed to help pay for the costs incurred while trying to recover from a data breach, and to help companies protect against the potential liabilities resulting from cyber-related incidents. In addition, ZSPP coverage also provides a third party coverage and first party coverage. Third party coverage include Security and privacy liability coverage, Internet media liability coverage, where as first party coverage include business income loss, digital asset replacement expense, and cyber extortion threat, said the company.

ZSPP customers are expected to get access to additional prevention and recovery resources, such as Deloitte’s Digital Forensic and e-Discovery, National ID Recovery, and Identity Theft 911’s Security Breach Response.

Ty R. Sagalow, Chief Innovation Officer, Zurich North America Commercial, said: “Combining state-of-the-art coverage with loss control and prevention recommendations provided by independent third parties demonstrates Zurich’s commitment to assisting our customers in all phases of their risk management from risk awareness to mitigation to risk transfer.