The new model solution will be useful for institutions that want to handle all their cash transactions with up to eight denominations in one system.

Normally, cash recycling systems only hold up to five cassettes and recycle four different denominations.

Wincor Nixdorf claimed that its CINEO 4060 4+4 system has already been used in the first projects conducted for a number of European banks.

The additional four compact cassettes give the CINEO C4060 4+4 system better configuration flexibility, and offers enhanced availability and resilience, with single input/output slot.

Furthermore, cassettes can also be exchanged between the different branches of the same institute.

Wincor Nixdorf Cash Systems product manager Stephan Okroy said that the new system offers maximum capacity with a minimum footprint.

Cash recycling systems are the fastest route to shortening the cash cycle, since they make the deposited banknotes available for dispensing after banknote validation.

For example, cash that is deposited in automated teller safes at the counter can be used to replenish ATMs and cash recycling systems in the self-service zone.