Willis Group Holdings’ board of directors has approved changing the company’s place of incorporation from Bermuda to Ireland.

Willis’ shareholders will be asked to vote in favour of completing the change, also known as redomestication, at a shareholders meeting to be held in approximately three or four months. The redomestication will also be subject to approval of the Supreme Court of Bermuda, as well as receipt of customary consents, approvals and waivers.

If the redomestication is approved by Willis shareholders and the Supreme Court of Bermuda, it is expected that a new Irish public limited company, Willis Group Holdings plc, would replace Willis Group Holdings Limited as the ultimate public holding company of the Willis Group.

Joseph Plumeri, chairman and CEO of Willis Group Holdings, said: “The Board of Directors has determined that the company’s redomestication to Ireland is in the best interests of Willis and our shareholders. We reviewed a number of alternatives with our Board of Directors, and believe that incorporating in Ireland will provide Willis with economic benefits and help ensure our continued global competitiveness.”