The agreement will include international remittances to the M-Paisa service, introduced by Roshan, which has been working as a part of Vodafone mobile money family since November 2008.

Under the new service, the 1.2 million registered M-Paisa customers will be able to receive Western Union money transfer transactions from around the globe directly in their mobile wallet accounts.

Western Union Ventures chief marketing officer and president Diane Scott said Afghanistan is one of the fastest-growing mobile markets in the world and Roshan subscribers want the convenience of receiving remittances with their mobile phones.

Roshan CEO Karim Khoja said that Western Union offers quick and convenient transfer of funds from anywhere in the world to Afghanistan through M-Paisa.

"Together, Roshan and Western Union are enabling distant families to be connected and, for the first time, are making financial inclusion a reality for the almost 97 percent of Afghans who do not have access to traditional financial services," Khoja added.

Western Union also provides its mobile money transfer service in Bangladesh, Canada, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, the Philippines, Tanzania and the US.