Verifi, a provider of risk management solutions for card-not-present merchants, and Merchant e-Solutions (MeS), a global internet-based payment provider, have partnered to jointly deliver a technology solution for risk management and payment processing.

Integrating Verifi’s suite of fraud prevention services with Merchant e-Solution’s payment platform equips card-not-present (CNP) merchants with a set of risk mitigation and business management capabilities. Verifi’s Intelligence Suite platform provides merchants with a single solution to manage and minimize the risks associated with CNP transactions while maximizing overall profitability.

Verifi said that the joint offering features access to Visa and MasterCard’s account updater, improved cardholder data and an immediate electronic connection to chargeback and fraud data. Verifi added that its direct integration with MeS eliminates the lengthy process merchants are faced with of faxing or mailing chargeback representment documentation back to their acquirer.

Moreover, Merchant e-Solutions has also been designated as a preferred merchant account provider by Verifi. Coupled together, their secure, streamlined and web-based solution provides merchants with an easy to deploy payment processing platform.

Jim Aviles, COO of Merchant e-Solutions, said: “Verifi offers a valuable service to merchants who require a more sophisticated transaction analysis in order to identify and mitigate risk. The solution complements Merchant e-Solutions’ commitment to work diligently with our merchants and integrators to help merchants process as efficiently as possible while avoiding chargebacks and risk.”

Jennifer Schulz, CEO of Verifi, said: “We are very pleased to be partnering with Merchant e-Solutions. Our joint effort to provide a superior level of information for merchants is driven by our mutual clients who seek higher performance and better data access from their payment processors. Working together, we are answering this need.”