Vasco Data Security has released new version of DIGIPASS CertiID, a new client-based software suite now combines OTP and PKI technology.

Vasco said that the new client-based software suite uses PKI-technology to sign transactions or confidential documents. It addresses the needs for authentication in banks, enterprises and governments.

The company said that, with the new software suite, computers can be locked, files and disks can be encrypted, e-mail and data transactions can be signed. OTP functionality has been added to the new version of DIGIPASS CertiID.

In addition, PKI and OTP are both managed by one platform, using a single device. The combination of PKI and OTP on one device allows companies to use OTP for specific applications (remote access, log-on to applications) whereas at the same time PKI can be used for other applications (document signing, file encryption).

According to Vasco, the new DIGIPASS CertiID Setup Builder ensures simplified deployment: it allows customised set up allowing users to install required options; integration with third party offerings and with DIGIPASS CertiID Software Development Kit, CMS or existing applications are been simplified.

Other new features include: support for Windows 7, file encryption with Microsoft Vista, a new workflow to issue smartcards, PIN and PUK management, simplified certificate roll out and management of security policies for use in corporate environments.

The company said that when combining the use of PKI with OTP, customers have to install Vasco’s authentication server technology (VACMAN Controller, VACMAN Middelware or IDENTIKEY) to offer event and time based OTP capability next to PKI-functionality.

Reportedly, the new client-based software suite offers response only and challenge/response OTP functionality. The provisioning can be done in online and offline mode. It uses a smart card or USB device (DIGIPASS Key1) for PKI-based authentication and digital signature. It supports multiple Certificate Authorities (IdenTrust, Verisign, Microsoft, Entrust, Cybertrust) and logins (web, Window, Citrix) which can be managed on a single device.

The new client-based software suite is also available as a software development kit, allowing integrators and application developers to natively integrate PKI functionality into their application.