TCV and Lucsan have signed a licence agreement for Lmig to address the data acquisition, enrichment, output and reconciliation requirements for the back office replacement project.Lmig will also be used to manage, execute and control the critical go-live activities.

Warren Murray, general manager of information technology at TCV, said: “Lmig has proven to be a solid, reliable platform for the control of our data migration requirements. The swiftness of setup and ease of use were critical for TCV. This, together with Lucsan’s business understanding of financial services meant Lmig was the ideal solution.”

Imelda Newton, general manager of the Lucsan Technology division, said: “We are very pleased to partner with TCV to not only provide a data solution for the completion of TCV’s back office project but also to provide a framework for future projects.”

Lucsan Capital is a technology, consulting services and advisory group specialising in system implementation and data migration for the financial services sector.

TCV focuses on delivering of financing outcomes that are beneficial to, and protective of, the interests of the Victoria state. TCV delivers loans and financing services, advisory services and investment services to the state and state related entities. TCV also issues Victorian government guaranteed debt to fund its provision of loans to the state and participating authorities.