The First Trust AlphaDEX Dividend ETFs include Canadian Dividend Plus, US Dividend Plus ETF (CAD-Hedged) and Emerging Market Dividend ETF (CAD-Hedged).

FT Portfolio Canada president & chief financial officer Fraser Howell said, "The First Trust AlphaDEX Dividend ETF family provides investors with broad market exposure to higher yielding dividend paying stocks across different geographies."

The Canadian and US Dividend Plus ETFs invest in higher yielding dividend paying stocks portfolio, provide unit holders with monthly distributions, while write call options on a portion of the portfolio to produce additional income.

Providing unit holders with monthly distributions, the Emerging Market Dividend ETF (CAD-Hedged) invests in dividend paying equity securities portfolio domiciled in emerging markets and selected from the countries represented by the S&P/BMI Emerging Markets Index.

FT Portfolios Canada senior vice president, sales head Bobby Eng said, "The AlphaDEX methodology provides the investment marketplace with a hybrid approach of blending the desired features of a traditional passive index tracking ETF with the risk management and filtering process of active management."

First Trust Advisors, the portfolio advisor for the AlphaDEX ETFs, has approximately $12bn in ETF assets under management and nearly $70bn in total assets under supervision or management.