vestr provides issuers of Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) with the first independent software engine to digitize the value chain of active investment products. The platform empowers issuers to scale their AMC business, allowing them to focus on their core competencies. Discretionary investment managers use AMCs as a fast, flexible, and cost-efficient alternative to investment funds.

SIX Group – the operator of the Swiss Exchange – led a group of professional investors, including Zuercher Kantonalbank, EquityPitcher, and the European Angels Fund, a sub-fund of the European Investment Fund (EIF).

Stefan Wagner, Head of Business Development at vestr said: “The funding will be used to further develop the platform, onboard additional issuers, and become the de-facto market standard for AMC issuers.”

The vestr platform is already used by hundreds of professional asset managers. Bank Julius Baer, an early adaptor of the vestr platform, is pleased with the positive impact the technology has had on their business.

Julius Baer said: “The flexible vestr platform empowers our clients to create and manage AMCs in a highly performing and intuitive way.”