Under the Online Banking with Bill Pay, bank’s ‘Solid Rewards Responsibility’ program rewards clients for banking. New checking account clients and current clients will be rewarded for using online banking and paying bills online.
SunTrust has also introduced an online resource center to help navigate the intersection of life and money. Available to everyone, it takes a holistic approach by combining financial and personal interests to help consumers learn about managing finances, as well as their overall well being.
The web site provides some of the tools such as calculators, articles, guides, videos, podcasts and tips that help individuals make financial decisions that impact many aspects of their lives.
CT Hill, head of retail line of business at SunTrust, said: “SunTrust is encouraging consumers to use Online Bill Pay as an easy first step to manage finances, scrutinize expenses and ensure that bills are paid on time. We want our clients to reap the benefits of saving time and money while also controlling when they pay bills and easily tracking where their money goes.”
Rilla Delorier, chief marketing officer at SunTrust, said: “We recognize that life and money intersect everyday. LiveSolid enables people to benefit from experts and also connect with and share information with other people experiencing the same life situations. We urge people to visit LiveSolid and join the conversation on the internet, Facebook and Twitter.”