Temenos’ integrated wealth management solution, WealthSuite, delivers back office standardisation alongside front office differentiation.

The award-winning WealthSuite, recently deployed at Nordea in Luxembourg, combines in one platform market-leading solutions for core banking, portfolio management, channels and analytics.

The deployment of one standard wealth management platform across Standard Chartered Bank’s wealth management operations in more than 30 countries will enable it to save significant hardware and maintenance costs, introduce much higher levels of automation and extract economies of scale as it grows.

The system upgrade allows for significantly enhanced customer service through faster fulfilment, better reporting and more personalisation given enhanced analytics and portfolio management capabilities. Clients can also expect better access to a suite of wealth management products and a more consistent customer experience across segments and markets.

Temenos executive chairman Andreas Andreades said: "Banks across the world are making big strategic bets on the growth potential of the wealth management industry. Delivering that growth requires banks to offer a wide range of competitively-priced products and provide great customer experiences.

"To be successful, what will count is both a sound strategy and the technology to execute against it. With WealthSuite, our client will have the platform to sustainably differentiate its customer proposition in a highly competitive marketplace."