Southern Bank operates three full service branches plus one drive-up facility, all of which had an imaging platform in place prior to enlisting Goldleaf. However, the system was not entirely Check 21-compliant, so the bank ultimately switched to Goldleaf, citing its ease of software use, low-cost data conversion and proven financial expertise as contributing factors in the decision.

Southern Bank was able to cut down reader/sorter and the associated maintenance expenses, as well as reduce its costs in couriering paper from its branch locations to its main facility. The automated platform also eliminated the bank’s cost of couriering cash letters to the Fed while improving the management of outgoing and incoming cash letters and returns.

Sean Conner, Vice President of operations for Southern Bank, said: “The full branch capture solution enables the bank to experience an entirely new realm of benefits to our bank. The combination of Goldleaf’s Net.Check and branch capture solutions allow us to significantly improve our operations.”

Lynn Boggs, CEO of Goldleaf Financial Solutions, said, Goldleaf’s imaging solutions provide Southern Bank the capacity to maximize operational efficiencies, cost savings and customer service. We worked with Southern Bank to increase its profitability in freeing up employees from microfilming and research tasks, enabling them to concentrate on working with customers and provide better service, which is vital in today’s competitive banking environment.