As a fundamental component in the implementation of a widescale single-dealer eTrading platform for OTC products, LiquidityDistributor will enable organizations to customize and create complex matrices for their distribution of market data and prices to various types of clients including custom spreads and limits over any messaging infrastructure.

According to smartTrade, LiquidityDistributor can manage the complex matrix of clients who can be grouped into different liquidity pools with different sales spreads; set multiple price tierings for the clients; dynamically move clients between pools and spreads; apply the credit checks before establishing a market data stream and the tradable stream; automatically be interrupted in the case of a credit line violation; plug multiple LiquidityDistributors into one another to distribute the data to an unlimited number of users and stream customized strategies over any messaging infrastructure.

Harry Gozlan, founder and CEO at smartTrade, said: “LiquidityDistributor is a natural extension to the smartTrade platform for addressing the challenges of liquidity management.

LiquidityDistributor as the fifth component to our existing LiquidityAggregator, LiquidityCrosser, LiquidityOrchestrator, and LiquidityConnect components to enable our customers to customize their order flow for aggregation, matching, and smart order routing and to now customize the distribution of that liquidity.”