Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) is planning to launch a virtual trading environment, called “TOCOM-V Trade” in early August. TOCOM has said that the new trading system, based on a NASDAQ OMX package software, offers trading functionalities in line with international standards, which differ completely from what was available under the previous system, including a wider array of order types and a circuit breaker system.

The exchange has added that anyone with a PC connected to the internet can access TOCOM-V Trade and experience trading as if on the live environment, using the TOCOM order types and following the TOCOM trading rules. The virtual trading environment, which became available by connecting the TOCOM staging environment to the systems of members and IT vendors, can be utilized by members to train employees, such as dealers, or to provide a new type of service to customers.

Yuichi Fukui, executive officer for Systems at TOCOM, commented: “We hope that with use of this new service, many players will be able to deepen their understanding and knowledge of the new trading system and trading rules, and that this will translate into increased participation and liquidity in the TOCOM markets.”