Saxo Bank, the online trading and investment services firm, has opened a new office in Athens, to expand its online investment solutions in Europe.

Reportedly, the Athens office will be headed by Emmanouil Lemonakis, who has been with Saxo Bank since 2006 and has expertise in the Greek and South European market.

Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen, co-founders and CEOs of Saxo Bank, said in a joint statement: “The new office in Greece has all the ingredients we value to be of the utmost importance in all the countries we operate: the right team, the importance of the location to the financial community and high demand and interest from clients in the area. The Athens office, based on the model we implement in all our new offices, is relatively small, allowing for greater flexibility and personal relations.”

Mr. Lemonakis said: “Saxo Bank’s relations with the Greek investment community began in 2000; however it is in the last four years that the Greek market has been increasing significantly, leading to the allocation of more resources to satisfy the needs of these clients and clients in Cyprus, whom the Athens office will serve as well. The new office will enable us to work more closely with our clients in the region and support them in the best possible way.”