GMC Software Technology said the bank will be using its customer communication management (CCM) platform, GMC Inspire, for end-to-end document management and the processes involved in document composition.

Santander Consumer Bank COO Rafal Szmuc said the bank is one of the leaders in one-to-one communication in Poland and they regard GMC Inspire to be the strongest CCM solution available in the market.

"As we deepen our cooperation, we will achieve the best from technology, combined with advanced industry know-how on areas such as multichannel communications and personalized microsites for our customers. We are confident that we will increase response rates with GMC Inspire as well as build customer loyalty with high-end level personalization," added Szmuc.

GMC Software Technology regional CE/EE manager Bohumil Farsky said their strong cooperation with Santander demonstrates a largely advanced level of know-how for GMC, as they now have on board a new team of specialized consultants for this particular type of business process outsourcing.