
Though the service is available for all Santander customers, it is targeted at students, who can use it to manage money.

Developed in partnership with Monitise, SmartBank shows spending graphics with a summary of recent transactions, expenditures based on type and location, weekly and monthly spending patterns, and balance in the account.

In addition, the app provides students with information on Santander Universities including financial support from the bank such as scholarships, work internships, and awards.

Santander UK innovation head Ben Green said: "We know our customers are increasingly looking to bank and pay on the move, so it is important for us to think creatively about how we can develop an insightful, useful and personalised service for them.

"SmartBank acts as a true financial companion, providing our customers with an engaging and tailored experience at a time and place that’s right for them."

The app is currently compatible with iPhone, and will soon be available on Android platforms as well.

SmartBank can be downloaded for free from App Store.

Image: Santander UK head office at Triton Square, London. Photo: courtesy of Elliott Brown / Flickr.