Samsung Ventures’ investment opens the opportunity to bring The Global Standard for Digital Transaction Management (DTM) closer to billions of busy, on-the-go consumers and mobile professionals so they can go fully digital.

DocuSign empowers users to securely transact anything, anytime, anywhere on their smart devices.

Samsung Ventures’ investment will be used as a precursor to developing a broader strategic relationship that will help further enable digital transformations by standardizing on DocuSign.

DocuSigning offers an easier, faster, more convenient and secure way to transact business by eliminating the hassles, costs and lack of security in printing, faxing, scanning and overnighting documents.

DocuSign helps organizations of every size, industry and geography accelerate transactions for faster speed to results, increased security and compliance, and better experiences for customers, partners, suppliers and employees alike.

"DocuSign is the global standard for Digital Transaction Management empowering the world to keep business digital," said Michael Jeon, Director at Samsung Ventures. "Our investment is evidence of our belief in the need to bring the ease, speed and convenience of DocuSign’s DTM platform to the billions of consumers and mobile professionals who use smartphones and tablets everyday."

"We believe the most successful companies will be fully digital by the end of the decade," said Keith Krach, Chairman & CEO, DocuSign. "Samsung is a digital leader who is bringing to market innovative technology and solutions that enrich peoples’ lives. With Samsung Ventures’ investment, we look forward to strengthening the DocuSign Global Trust Network to empower anyone to transact anything, anytime, anywhere. Securely."