The bank has also revealed the face of the £20 note. The £10 note will carry an illustration of Mary Somerville, a Scottish mathematician and astronomer.

This note is being claimed to be the second in a series of ‘Fabric of Nature’ themed notes made from the De La Rue’s Safeguard polymer material.

RBS stated that Mary Somerville was chosen from a public vote across the social media. The bank claims that the new note will be difficult to counterfeit, but can easily be authenticated. It is also claimed to be the first note to have raised Braille details to help the visually challenged.

RBS says that the new note will be 15% smaller than the paper note of the same denomination. It is claimed to last two and half times longer than its paper equivalent.

Royal Bank of Scotland CEO Ross McEwan said: “At the Royal Bank of Scotland, we feel that a banknote’s value is more than just the figure printed across its front – it is our symbol which lives in people’s pockets and touches everyday lives.

“It has been 30 years since we produced a new £10 note and as the Royal Bank of Scotland, we wanted the public to help influence the design. They helped influence our theme of Fabric of Nature and helped us consider the impact Mary Somerville has had on our understanding of the world in which we live. It is fitting that our most advanced note yet will carry her portrait.”

The new £20 note will feature Catherine Cranston, the twentieth century entrepreneur and philanthropist, who is known for the Willow Tearooms in Scotland. The new note will also be made from polymer and is expected to enter circulation in 2020.

Royal Bank of Scotland, Scotland Board chairman Malcolm Buchanan said: “As a bank we celebrate entrepreneurialism and creating opportunity, and Catherine Cranston embodies that spirit.

“Catherine will follow Nan Shepherd and Mary Somerville in gracing notes fit for a modern age and one that will serve customers across Scotland for years to come.”

Image: RBS unveils design of new £10 note. Photo: Courtesy of Royal Bank of Scotland.