Managed by Conrad Doenges and seasoned team of investment professionals, the Ranger Small Cap Fund invests in growth-oriented US exchange traded equities of small capitalization companies and seeks long-term capital appreciation by managing risk and preserving capital.

Ranger has to both security selection and risk management investment team that executes bottom-up, fundamental research driven security selection process for quality growth companies.

The research process focuses on identifying small capitalization domestic equities characterized by accelerating revenue and strong balance sheets, high recurring revenues, free cash flow generation and earnings growth.

CFA William Andersen and his team of investment professionals will manage the Ranger Quest for Income and Growth Fund.

The Ranger Quest invests in an array of high yielding securities, primarily equities, which provide meaningful current income with the potential for capital appreciation.

The Ranger team uses bottom-up, fundamental research approach to invest in high yielding equities, convertible and preferred securities, closed-end bond funds, master limited partnerships and real estate investment trusts to meet the fund’s objectives.