SunGard said that Valdi will provide Rafferty integrated software and execution services, as well as real-time trading, exposure and risk management.

Valdi will also help Rafferty reduce latency, improve execution quality and increase operational efficiencies, according to SunGard.

Valdi includes specialized front-end profiles for market making, agency and proprietary trading that provide enhanced speed and reliability.

SunGard’s Valdi OMS can be installed in-house or in an ASP environment for cost-effective, on-demand deployments.

Rafferty Holdings president Michael Rafferty said Rafferty will use SunGard’s Valdi to help capitalize on growth opportunities through multi-asset class trading and low latency access to liquidity.

"We chose Valdi because we wanted a reliable, turn-key trading solution that has a dedicated and experienced customer service team," Rafferty said.