This new service will give clients based in Sweden access to the entire European and US low latency offering from QuantHouse while global clients can benefit from an even more optimized Nasdaq OMXNordic data feed and order routing service, said QuantHouse.

QuantHouse CEO and co-founder Pierre Feligioni said clients now have the chance to leverage QuantHouse low latency market data and order-routing services through our less than 12 millisecond fiber connection from London to the Nasdaq data center in Sweden.

"We already have clients using our co-location services in order to optimize the trading performance of their algos," Feligioni said.

QuantHouse global head of sales & marketing Stephane Leroy said the combination of their feed handler technology enabling sub-millisecond processing time, their hosting co-location facilities and their global fiber optic network allows clients to benefit from a very powerful, end-to-end solution with a straightforward implementation process.