At a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime Minister of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr al-Thani said the country’s sovereign wealth fund would be very open to "any" investment in the UK.

When asked whether the Gulf Arab state would invest in RBS or Lloyds specifically, he replied: "We are very open to any investment in the UK and we have discussed some."

The British government has a stake of around 83% in RBS and 40.6% in Lloyds, after it bailed out both banks during the credit crisis.

These holdings in RBS and Lloyds are in turn managed by a specially-formed body called UKFI.

Qatar has stakes in companies including retail major J Sainsbury, Barclays bank and German automaker Porsche through QIA.

Recently, this month the QIA’s Qatar Holding unit invested in contingent convertible bonds issued by Credit Suisse.