AxiomSL’s enterprise-wide integrated solution consolidates data across a full range of regulatory reports, enabling banks to streamline reporting processes and address the challenges for greater transparency.

Additionally, AxiomSL’s reporting templates deliver the controls and functionality required by financial institutions to effectively conduct edit checks and results validation to remain compliant with the evolving regulations, including the requirements of CCAR (Comprehensive Capital and Analysis Review) in the United States.

With increased level of oversight dictated by growing regulatory mandates, AxiomSL’s fully integrated platform provides full control over regulatory reporting process and capital adequacy calculations at lowest levels of granularity and from multiple sources to comply with regulatory requirements and financial control reporting.

"We are proud to continue serving Deutsche Bank and expand our relationship in the United States," said Alex Tsigutkin, AxiomSL’s CEO. "Our strategic, data-driven solution, combined with the automation of reporting business logic, leverages our clients’ existing data structure to meet the industry challenges for new business process models, transparency in reporting and the flexibility to adapt swiftly to regulatory mandates."