Progress Software, a global software company, has announced that the Progress Apama platform now offers commodities traders direct access to IntercontinentalExchange (ICE).
Reportedly, with this connectivity, ICE’s futures exchanges are available for market data processing and order-routing through the Progress Apama platform. The company has said that its access to ICE gives traders new capabilities for algorithmic trading and risk strategies in the commodity futures markets. The Apama platform provides full support for ICE’s global electronic futures markets: ICE Futures Europe; ICE Futures US; ICE Futures Canada plus the ICE / European Climate Exchange futures contracts.
The company claimed that the Apama connectivity uses ICE’s low-latency multicast data feed (iMpact). Market participants are expected to incorporate real-time market data for ICE products within strategies powered by the Apama products that deliver customized automated trading.
Martin Wadhwani, managing director, ICE Data and ICE European sales, said: “The Apama connectivity to ICE helps address the increasing demand for sophisticated electronic trading technologies in the agriculture, energy and financial futures markets.”