Panoptic’s ExpertPCI solution has been incorporated into the PAI Secure program, where merchants can complete their PCI industry-mandated Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) and Network IP Scans online by using a guided step-by-step SAQ wizard, said the firm.

Payment Alliance International president and chief executive John Leehy said the firm has partnered with Panoptic Security to deliver an even more efficient way for its merchants to become PCI compliant.

"By integrating ExpertPCI into our PAI Secure program, we can offer a truly turnkey package for our merchant customers that includes education on the PCI DSS and how to become compliant, online PCI compliance validation, as well as a level of financial protection from losses that may occur in the event of a security breach," Leehy said.

According to the firm, its solution provides higher compliance rates by simplifying the process, reducing the time for merchants to complete the SAQ, and guiding them through one step at a time.

The offering enables PAI merchants to begin validating their PCI compliance in a more secure and efficient way compared to traditional paper-based SAQ and Network IP Scan process.