The platform is the first to extend and enrich the security used by Mobile Network Operators to protect their mobile networks to business. Payfone Identity Certainty provides a Trusted Mobile Identity that enables businesses to create secure, frictionless and personal mobile experiences for their consumers and employees.
Trust in Mobile Starts with Mobile Banking
Prior to extending Identity Certainty to businesses, Payfone and Early Warning, a leader in collaborative risk solutions owned by the largest and most respected financial institutions in the U.S., established a strategic relationship to provide secure mobile authentication services to facilitate more trusted digital banking experiences. Through this alignment, the financial services industry has now adopted new mobile solutions that overcome the limitations of PC-era authentication tools such as usernames and passwords, knowledge-based authentication (KBA) and one-time SMS password.
"With the largest financial institutions in the world now relying on solutions powered by the Identity Certainty platform, Payfone is taking key learnings and expanding to secure more interactions in more places across mobile apps and the mobile Web," said Rodger Desai, Payfone CEO. "With the increasing velocity and sophistication of mobile cybercrime matching and even outpacing the individual’s shift to mobile — the stakes have never been higher for businesses to succeed in creating confidence in mobile."
How it Works: Identity Certainty is in the Network
Payfone’s new Identity Certainty platform is the culmination of expertise gained from strategic relationships with the Top Mobile Network Operators, U.S. financial institutions and experience from real world testing with some of the largest businesses in the world.
Payfone’s Identity Certainty platform has more than 300M mobile identities under management, adding trust to each mobile identity through the application of the Payfone Signature (known in the financial services industry as The Early Warning Mobile Identifier), a deterministic, revocable mobile ID that persists through 400+ different kinds of lifecycle events. Each day, Payfone processes over 8 million of these events across Mobile Network Operators that range from phone upgrades, changes in phone numbers, reporting a lost or stolen phone to the porting of service to a new Mobile Network Operator, ensuring that each mobile identity can be trusted.
More importantly, with a simple call or visit to an individual’s Mobile Network Operator to report a mobile device lost, stolen or replaced, the Payfone Signature is automatically revoked (aka the "Kill Switch"), terminating access to apps and services in real-time on the individual device. The "Kill Switch" is a fail-safe measure that safeguards intellectual property, sensitive information and, most importantly, a business’s employees and consumers.
"Identity Certainty is in the proverbial drinking water, with an always-on, invisible layer of protection that requires no downloads or changes to an individual’s daily behavior," said Aaron Bartrim, Early Warning’s Chief Technology Officer. "The elegance of Payfone’s Identity Certainty platform is its simplicity, shaping mobile security to the consumer, adapting to existing human behavior, especially when they need it the most."
The Power of Identity: Identity Certainty Unbound
The Mobile Economy will evolve towards a user centric world and its heart will be the mobile device. Mobile devices are fast becoming a personalized lens to the world for the individual, a conduit for Trusted Mobile Identity, the currency of the Mobile Economy, sought by all, but held by a few.
As new mobile services like mobile wallets emerge, the value of Trusted Mobile Identity has never been clearer. Despite the added layers of security ranging from secure elements to biometrics, mobile wallets are still susceptible to fraud during the time a credit card is first added by an individual.
Due to ease of acquiring usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers from the myriad data breaches and phishing scams, cyber criminals can utilize these stolen identities to set up false mobile wallet accounts, shifting the burden to confirm you are who say you are from the mobile wallet provider back to card issuers. As a consequence, card issuers are now requiring individuals to confirm you are who you say you are, adding another opportunity for fraud to occur.
Leveraging the inherent nature of identity built into mobile networks via the SIM card, Payfone removes the human dependency from the equation with Trusted Mobile Identity.
Whether it’s balancing the security concerns of the employer with the productivity gains of employees using their own devices at work (BYOD) or confirming you are who say you are when scheduling a car to making a purchase at the very moment that inspiration hits, Payfone’s Identity Certainty will be available to more organizations that seek to the protect their business by protecting their employees and customers.