Key features of the system are device fingerprinting, more than 20,000 control rules, a database of pooled industry and merchant knowledge as well as the option of outsourcing dubious transactions checks to Ogone’s team of expert fraud consultants.

Offering merchants the freedom to set their own rules, the technology increases the merchants’ online payment revenues by decreasing the rejection of legitimate transactions and the costs associated with automatic or manual checks.

Ogone product director Filip Gosselé said that the company witnessed that most of its clients’ fraud prevention costs have increased, which means that their margins have been equally hit.

"Ogone Fraud Expert has been developed in order to provide an answer to these issues by combining precise configuration of historical risk analysis assistance tools, new fraudster identification tools and the outsourcing of the checks to Ogone’s fraud consultants", Gosselé added.

The new tool allows traders to loosen up their blocking rules, thereby reducing the automatic rejection of legitimate transactions and offers support for refining the configuration of their risk analysis criteria.

Ogone is connected through certified links with over 200 different banks and financial intuitions, to deliver more than 80 international, alternative and prominent local payment methods in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.