NYSE Euronext has added EasyETF iTraxx Europe Main to its credit toolbox with a third tracker on the European credit derivative market in Paris. Earlier, it has launched EasyETF iTraxx Europe HiVol and EasyETF iTraxx Crossover.

Reportedly, its target is to follow the performance of the iTraxx Europe Main TR index as closely as possible, whether it moves upwards or downwards. The iTraxx Europe index consists of 125 credit derivates evenly weighted in ‘investment grade’ (high quality issuers) European companies. The market maker for EasyETF iTraxx Europe Main is BNP Paribas.

According to the company, EasyETF iTraxx Europe Main offers an access to the European credit derivative market. It allows investors to gain exposure or hedge their credit portfolios, to introduce trading strategies or benefit from the outlook on the credit derivative market, while simplifying the regulatory and operational aspects involved in investing in these indices.