The firm said that its net income during the current quarter declined due to $12m pre-tax merger expenses and exit costs, as well as net $2m loss from disposal activities related to the previously announced wind down of NYSE Blue.

For the quarter period ended on 30 June 2012, its total revenues fall 10% to $986m, compared to revenues of $1.09bn during the corresponding quarter earlier year.

For the latest quarter, its other operating expenses, excluding merger expenses and exit costs, stood at $396m, down 5% from $419m during the comparable period last year.

Adjusted EBITDA, excluding merger expenses and exit costs stood at $272m, down 13% from $312m during the year ago quarter, while its adjusted EBITDA margin was 45% in the second quarter of 2012, compared to 47% in the second quarter of 2011.

NYSE Euronext CEO Duncan Niederauer said the company made good progress in executing against its strategy to unlock the inherent value of its community.

"We have given notice that we will fully insource clearing and launch NYSE Clearing in June 2013, which will provide us with cost savings and ultimately provide new revenue and better position the Company for the OTC opportunity," Niederauer added.

"Lastly, we made significant headway with our NYSE Liffe U.S. platform with the launch of our GCF repo futures product which fills the increasing market need for a reliable and transparent benchmark for bank funding costs."

NYSE Euronext operates multiple securities exchanges, most notably New York Stock Exchange, Euronext and NYSE Arca.