Through the partnership, nuBridges has integrated its nuBridges Protect encryption, tokenization and key management solution with the Thales nShield product family of hardware security modules (HSMs).

nuBridges Protect is the data security software solution to combine universal Format Preserving Tokenization, local, field-size-preserving encryption, unified, full-lifecycle key management and security event logging. Tokenization in particular reduces risk and has the added advantage of taking systems, applications and processes out of scope for PCI DSS audits, thus reducing the complexity and cost of compliance.

The nuBridges Protect Key Manager generates, distributes, rotates, revokes and deletes keys for both local field-size-preserving encryption and format-preserving data tokenization.

Gary Palgon, vice president of product management at nuBridges, said: “By partnering with Thales, a recognized leader that already helps secure over 70% of the world’s credit card transactions, we’re offering nuBridges Protect customers the option to deploy HSMs for greater security and to simplify the process of demonstrating compliance with PCI DSS requirements.”

Franck Greverie, vice president of the information technology security activities at Thales, said: “Thales is delighted to expand its partner network to include nuBridges through the combination of our leading family of nShield HSMs with nuBridges Protect to provide powerful encryption and key management solutions for the market. The integration of nuBridges Protect with Thales HSMs makes it easier for nuBridges customers to reduce risk and reduce scope for PCI DSS audits.”