The new unified payments engine will allow NMI partners to deliver a simplified payments platform for consistent recognition across all merchant points of engagement such as in-store, mobile, online and self-service.

Through using a unified token, NMI can deliver a singular view of customer and payment data, which can be used to develop cross-channel solutions, generate new revenue streams and enhance customer experience.

NMI’s unified payments engine is a unique platform, which allows merchants to leverage consolidated information to make better business decisions, deliver better customer experiences, build new sources of revenue and offer services such as click-and-collect or buy online return in store (BORIS).

The new solution will allow maintaining a unique tokenized payment credential for every transaction within a single vault repository for all payments data.

It will allow NMI partners to develop unique services, as well as reporting and business intelligence solutions.

Multi-dimensional hierarchies allow partners to efficiently manage their portfolios with multiple sub-affiliates and merchants.

Partners can quickly onboard multiple merchant identification numbers (MIDs) without assistance and deliver active and intelligent transaction routing.

The unified payments engine is a white label offering, enabling partners to display their brand displayed across all merchant customer points of engagement and set their own pricing and business terms and conditions.

NMI CEO Vijay Sondhi said: “Our unified commerce platform, available today, offers a plethora of payment device certifications, along with unmatched shopping cart integrations and processor connections that places our partners in a league of their own.

“Add in tokenized payments data and the foundation is set for our partners to become a one-stop-shop for their merchants across all payments channels.”

Through unifying every point of payment engagement to deliver one view of the customer, NMI enables ISOs, fintech innovators and technologists to achieve disruptive results

The firm, which processes over $45bn in payments per year, serves more than 1,000 technology partners and 110,000 merchants across retail, transportation, hospitality, medical, non-profit, parking, and vending verticals.