Nexidia, a provider of audio search and speech analytics solutions and Semafone, a UK-based provider of call centre payments security services, have entered into a partnership to address fraud and identity theft in the call centre environment.

The companies said that the partnership will ensure that past and future credit card details are inaccessible by call centre staff. Semafone’s technical offering delivers secure voice transactions during live call and ensures no new credit card details are stored, while historical voice recordings of credit card numbers can be located within the stores of an organisation’s recorded data using Nexidia Enterprise Speech Intelligence (ESI) offering and easily redacted.

The Semafone solution makes paying by phone secure by ensuring that no card information is ever seen or heard by the call centre agent. The agent and caller are never disconnected from each other, and will be able to talk freely throughout the card transaction. This is achieved using SecureMode that allows a call and call recording to continue as normal whilst the customer enters their credit card information using their phone keypad, the companies said.

In addition, the Semafone masks the DTMF digits entered by the caller so they are never heard by the call centre agent nor recorded on the call recording system.

Tim Critchley, managing director at Semafone, said: “This combined total solution is a very timely offering to the call centre marketplace. It addresses a major issue for any organisation with a call centre taking customer payments over the phone. We are delighted to be partnering with Nexidia whose responsiveness to changing market demands closely mirrors our own.”