Consisting primarily of its managed connectivity and Risk Management Gateway (RMG) platforms, NYSE Technologies will integrate this customized infrastructure alongside its core SFTI connectivity service to offer First Clearing enhanced routing capabilities and significant new risk-management functionality.

The Hosted Transaction Hub for First Clearing is scheduled to be fully operational in the first quarter of 2011.

The NYSE Technologies Hosted Transaction Hub offers customers a fully managed, integrated platform that combines many of NYSE Technologies advanced connectivity options, order execution services and market information applications.

Leveraging the Secure Financial Transactions Infrastructure (SFTI), this solution also utilizes NYSE Technologies’ managed connectivity service alongside RMG to offer customers a hosted order transaction platform and market data infrastructure with sub-millisecond access to nearly 50 execution venues in the US.

While outsourcing their direct market access routing systems to NYSE Technologies, customers can retain control of their order management, connection status and specific risk filters through a customized web-based interface.

Easily installed in nearly any location, the Hosted Transaction Hub lowers customer costs by helping ensure broad connectivity, risk compliance and comprehensive routing capabilities with no additional hardware for the firm or its clients.