Using automated and high frequency trade monitoring platforms, the new technology will provide market misuse alerts such as insider trading, market manipulation, violations of order handling rules and irregular trading patterns to the bank’s multi-regional compliance professionals.

Smarts Broker users at ABN AMRO can also access the integrated Smarts data analysis tools, such as Spread Graph and Market Replay, to rapidly and effectively evaluate the alerted trading, comparing against the background of full historical market data.

Nasdaq OMX market technology vice president Paul McKeown said, "SMARTS Broker’s flexibility and scalability to add new asset classes and connect to new marketplaces will be valuable for ABN AMBRO Clearing as its business continues to evolve."

ABN AMRO Clearing serves professional traders, banks, brokers, hedge funds, corporates, asset managers and pension funds, by providing clearing and financing on over 85 exchanges for members and non-members.

The Nasdaq OMX Group owns and operates 25 markets, three clearinghouses and five central securities depositories in the US and Europe.