In October 2008, Nasdaq OMX acquired Nord Pool Clearing and Nord Pool Consulting from Nord Pool. In addition, the owners of Nord Pool, Statnett and Svenska Kraftnat, received an option to sell the shares in Nord Pool to Nasdaq OMX at a later date. Statnett and Svenska Kraftnat have now decided to exercise that option.

Nord Pool will be a part of Nasdaq OMX Commodities, which is the common offering within commodities from the Nasdaq OMX Group.

The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals. However, the acquisition does not comprise the Nordic physical electricity market operated by Nord Pool Spot.

Geir Reigstad, head of Nasdaq OMX Commodities, said: “The transaction has strong strategic rationale by reuniting the power and carbon derivatives exchange and clearing business under the same parent, allowing attractive upside opportunities. It will broaden the current commodities product range and the aim is to attract new financial participants onto the platform and increase liquidity and volume.”

Statnett is a Norway-based firm responsible for electricity transmission and distribution in the country.

Svenska Kraftnat is a Sweden-based an electricity and natural gas transmission system operator.