Using a point of connectivity to Atrium Network’s existing infrastructure, customers can benefit from real-time US equities price discovery, offering quote and trade data for Nasdaq-traded equity securities, including Nasdaq, Nyse and Nyse Amex-listed stocks.

Atrium Network will provide cost-effective data stream to its European customer base and across its global Extranet. In turn, Nasdaq OMX can increase its reach by tapping into Atrium Network’s European customer base.

Emmanuel Carjat, CEO of Atrium Network, said: “In addition to Atrium Network’s North American customers consuming Nasdaq OMX data, we are delighted that Nasdaq Basic is available to our international customer base. We believe this is testimony to the effectiveness of our global model to offer adaptable, low latency connectivity for our customers. Atrium Network’s flexible approach to offering access matches the Nasdaq Basic approach to providing cost-effective trading data.”

Randall Hopkins, senior vice president of global data products at Nasdaq OMX, said: “With the addition of Nasdaq Basic, essential low-cost US market data is now offered on a rapidly-expanding global network with a simple approach to connectivity. This is a win for customers of Nasdaq OMX and Atrium Network.”