According to NagraID Security, its new smartcard connects the EMV payment contact chip to an embedded LCD display that enables information stored on the card to be updated every time the card goes online.

The new payment card will enable cardholders to access up-to-date vital account and payment-related information such as account balance, transactions history, reward points, payment due dates and more, precisely when they need it, anywhere, anytime using only their trusted and familiar payment card.

The new Information Display Card enables advanced level of interactivity between issuers and cardholders. Every time the card is used in an ATM or standard POS terminal, the transaction authorization request is routed to the issuer via the MasterCard network and replies back with a MasterCard EMV script as part of the authorization response message.

The script is then executed by the terminal, which uploads the relevant information to the payment card.

NagraID Security executive vice president and CTO Philippe Guillaud said this display card represents a new milestone in Display Card technology by connecting the EMV Chip to the embedded electronics.

"Currently the cards are developed using an EMV chip issued by Gemalto, one of our key partners in implementation. We created a very versatile platform that can also accept virtually any EMV chips from the various providers of secure semiconductors," Guillaud said.