According to the company, the new tool is designed to help fund managers and their teams manage, monitor and build better equity portfolios.

Barra Portfolio Manager will provide users with additional portfolio insight and enables them to make faster, more informed investment decisions.

With its easy-to-use, interactive user interface, Barra Portfolio Manager will offer a cost-effective way to access a broad range of equity portfolio analytics, advanced workflow tools, and high quality data, claims MSCI.

MSCI global head of equity analytics Nathan Tidd said in this competitive environment, MSCI’s clients need flexible, easy-to-use tools that align with their investment process – whether quantitative, fundamental or a blend of both.

"We designed Barra Portfolio Manager with these requirements in mind and the result is a platform that investment managers can rely on for a broad range of mission-critical information," Tidd said.

The launch of Barra Portfolio Manager is part of a multi-year, multi-phase investment by MSCI in its portfolio management analytics business.

MSCI said future releases of Barra Portfolio Manager will add further capabilities for developing, testing and managing investment products. Over time, MSCI plans to add additional portfolio construction capabilities for strategy development, back testing, optimized rebalancing, alpha investigation, and standard web-based interfaces (APIs).