Featuring a diversified global portfolio with global asset allocation through various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities and cash, the fund is actively managed using a multi-asset class investment strategy with daily liquidity.

The fund’s investment strategy, which will be created in cooperation with Morgan Creek’s global network of alternative asset managers, will encompass various asset classes, geographies and sectors, including directional as well as long-short strategies.

While looking to hedge risks to reduce losses in times of stress, the fund’s multi-strategy, multi-asset class structure will enable it to dynamically shift capital. This will enable to pursue and attempt to take advantage of potential investment opportunities identified by Morgan Creek’s investment team.

Morgan Creek chief investment officer Mark Yusko said that investors in the Tactical Allocation Fund may benefit from a flexible investment approach designed with the goal of capitalizing on uncorrelated investment strategies that seek to dampen portfolio volatility and reduce risks.

"We believe offering this 1940 Act fund will allow a greater set of investors’ access to the same extensive experience we have been offering sophisticated institutional investors since the early 1990’s," Yusko added.

Operating as a global investment management firm Morgan Creek offers its investment products across a platform of closed-end and open-ended funds.