Returning customers can send funds to the same person or pay the same bill in seconds. Registered customers can also update their profile and manage a variety of options including adding individuals and businesses they send funds to regularly. In addition, MoneyGram online offers fraud protection and monitoring, and enhanced security around customer information.
The members of MoneyGram rewards can also earn rewards for online money transfer transactions, such as discounts on money transfer fees through this service. Additionally, members can register to receive notices by e-mail or SMS text message when funds are collected by their receivers. Nearly four million MoneyGram customers are currently enrolled in the rewards program in the US.
Through the new global website, consumers can estimate a transaction fee or locate a MoneyGram agent location in any country and have the results sent to an e-mail or saved as a favorite.
Moreover, MoneyGram has also introduced device-based applications in the social networking arenas. For iPhone and iTouch users, it has recently introduced an application that helps consumers quickly locate nearby MoneyGram agents in the US using GPS coordinates. The application also estimates money transfer transaction fees. Consumers can also connect with MoneyGram on Facebook for news of the latest promotions and access to contact information to reach MoneyGram 24-hours a day, including holidays.
Pamela Patsley, chairman and CEO of MoneyGram, said: “MoneyGram’s improved online experience provides consumers the ultimate convenience of completing money transfers easily from the comfort of their home or anywhere they access the internet. We anticipate more and more consumers will be drawn to the ease and simplicity of the new site, and we are exited to begin the global expansion of MoneyGram Online.
“Consumers in leading remittance countries like the UK and Spain are eagerly awaiting our online expansion and we anticipate strong growth from this convenient channel that delivers funds to our 190,000 agent locations around the world.”