Through bridging systems and rising cross-business and cross-asset trading efficiencies, the new agile platform acts as a catalyst for business collaboration.

By opening up any trading system, the new platform solves the main problems faced by banks and allows them to keep a truly cross-business view of positions, P&L, risk and compliance and all back-office processing.

Offering a business-wide horizontal layer to financial organizations, it caters international position management and cooperation across trading desks and steady pricing and hedging across the business.

Misys capital markets product management head Joerg Heidtmann said that all separately-run trading systems within a bank need to be automated across assets and across department workflows, in current agile trading environment.

Additionally, it offers a clear view of cross-asset trading, a stable platform for trading innovation and growth, as well as aggregated pre-deal information in real time, which is vital to remain competitive in the current trading environment.

Offering an array of banking, treasury, trading and risk technologies, Misys serves 1,800 customers in 120 nations.