LevelUp chief ninja Seth Priebatsch said the mobile payment landscape continues to evolve and the new team will benefit both consumers and merchants alike who have not been able to utilize mobile payment capabilities before.

"To work with a trusted partner like Merchant Warehouse ensures we are working with a veteran of the merchant industry that can help strengthen our loyalty and mobile gifting programs so consumers have the best shopping experience possible," Priebatsch said.

LevelUp consolidation with MerchantWare Transport Platform offers a new ‘value add’ for both existing and new customers.

According to the firm, the LevelUp solution will provide merchants with point of sale loyalty through LevelUp and also leverges mobile gifting.

Merchant Warehouse Co-CEO Henry Helgeson said that the payments transactions should be simple, flexible, integrated and secure so merchants and developers can focus on the customer experience.

"Partnerships with great companies like LevelUp will help us elevate the industry to ensure that merchants and consumers alike can transact with ease and confidence," Helgeson said.