The company claims that the new platform will enable the lender to monitor the borrowers across all lending channels and products, collecting data in one place, irrespective of the point of origination or loan type.

Currently, MCNB has employed Premier bank platform from Fiserv and the new services will be integrated with the existing one, which will enhance its process efficiency, according to Fiserv.

MCNB vice president and chief operations officer John Reed said, "We are confident that expanding our long-standing relationship with Fiserv through the selection of their Common Origination Platform will help us better serve our customers while generating greater efficiencies and lowering risk for the bank."

Fiserv lending solutions president Kevin Collins said, "Using Common Origination Platform in conjunction with the Premier bank platform from Fiserv will enable MCNB to gain a broader perspective of borrower risk, reduce the number of manual processes and save time."