<p>The campaign, which targets customers, acquirers, issuers and merchants, is designed to reflect the company&#0039;s new corporate positioning, demonstrating its globally integrated structure and strategic vision to advance commerce worldwide. <br /><br />This campaign cuts through the clutter of typical corporate advertising, bringing to life what differentiates MasterCard Worldwide from the competition, said MasterCard Worldwide chief marketing officer Lawrence Flanagan. By linking our business and marketing strategies, the campaign visually communicates the new corporate brand, and illustrates how our unique, three-tiered business model strategically drives real value for all our customers. <br /><br />The campaign&#0039;s central theme is the most top-of-mind connection people have to MasterCard: A piece of plastic that lives in your wallet. Once that connection is established, the plastic stretches into illustrations of the strategic capabilities MasterCard Worldwide offers.<br /><br />The new business-to-business campaign will launch in October in the US, UK, Europe, Asia and Australia. MasterCard Worldwide said that it will continue to roll out this campaign in additional markets in early 2007.</p>